
March 31, 2010

Tired but surviving

My post will be short and sweet today since I am going to use my valuable "mommy time" to shower tonight. Things with Tanner are going well still. He is sleeping for 2-4 hour stretches and allowing me to get a little rest when he does. Today Daddy took charge between feedings and I caught some much needed sleep from 4-6pm. This nice weather has really been a mood booster too. Daddy, Tanner and I went for our first walk yesterday afternoon. We walked to the post office to get the mail and then a quick loop around town. Of course we had some pit stops of people stopping us to meet our little guy. Tanner was awake during the whole time we were outside just checking out the "bustling" town of Danube...

That's it for now...I'm tired but surviving. It's easy for me to forget how tired I am, how sore nipples are from breast feeding and that I have not showered since Monday when I take one look at this guy!!

March 29, 2010

Check up and first shopping trip

Today Tanner is 1 week old!! Tanner had to go back to the doctor to make sure that his jaundice score had not gone up. It was 7.5 when we left the hospital, 10.5 @ Friday's appointment and the doctor just wanted to make sure it did not hit the teens because that is when they start treatment. I am happy to say that it did go down and it looks like our little guy will be just fine :)

He is steadily gaining weight too. He went from 7lbs 6 oz on Friday to a beefy 7 lbs 9 oz today. Must be all that delicious breast milk. The little man loves to eat!! Paul is all proud because his little guy is a "boob man" already. I didn't have the heart to burst his bubble and tell him that all baby's are boob people.

We also took our first trip to Wal-mart today. I was going to wait in the car while Paul ran in but decided that after nursing Tanner in the parking lot after the doctor's appointment to try and risk bringing him in. He did just fine and I escaped with a few minor whimpers and a short crying session that was put out by me moving the cart back and forth while I picked out my groceries. In my rush to get out of there unscathed I did forget to pick up the birth announcements that were finished printing....Darn it!! Maybe I can bribe Paul into picking them up for me tomorrow! I am starting to see in motherhood you win some and lose some... It would have been too perfect if I had remembered EVERYTHING I actually needed/wanted.

Here's a picture I just took of Tanner in a breast milk coma. He's such a mellow fellow!!

March 27, 2010

Eat, Poop, Sleep...

Tanner is officially 4 days, 21 hours, and 51 minutes old as I sit down here with him in his sleepy wrap while I blog away. He LOVES being in the wrap, which doesn't surprise me sine he is quite the cuddle bug so far. I am so glad I got this wrap because I can't imagine the thought of putting this precious boy down but really want to be able to use both hands for certain activities (such as typing). He is snoozing away as I type and bounce gently on my exercise ball. What a life!!
So far he is such a good little baby! He has taken to breast feeding and is really very good at it. He is eating every 2-4 hours and having very healthy diapers. I had such a mom moment today when I changed his diaper and it was yellow!! YAY for yellow poop it means that everything is working!!

We have had a couple busy days here in the Nyquist house. We traveled up to Willmar on Friday morning for Tanner's first doctor's appointment. He was 7lbs 2oz when we left the hospital and had already bounced back up to 7lbs 6 oz by Friday. His jaundice score had gone up a little since leaving the hospital and we have another appoint on Monday just to make sure it starts going down, but by the looks of him..I don't think it will be a problem. He is looking more pink today than yesterday.

After the doctor appointment on Friday we had visitors. Sarah (Paul's sister) and her two boys came to visit their new cousin!! Gabe is 3 and Xavier is 3 1/2 months and QUITE the little chunk. He makes Tanner look so tiny!! Sarah also brought me TONS of baby boy clothes. Since Xavier is already in 6-9 month clothes she brought all of the stuff he had out grown which is perfect because I really didn't have too many baby boy clothes! Now I am pretty sure Tanner is set. It is so nice to have the hand me downs and save some money since babies grow so fast anyways.

Here's some pictures of the boys.

While Sarah and the boys were down here visiting, we went over to see Paul's grandpa Fredrick, who has been feeling pretty ill lately and in declining health. Since being diagnosed with lung cancer this fall, he has had his ups and downs but is now at home, receiving hospice care and being made as comfortable as possible. We were VERY excited to tell him there was another Nyquist boy and to have Tanner meet his great grandpa Fredrick. Although saddened by Grandpa's illness, it is really very emotional and humanizing to see the circle of life with the addition of such a little miracle who will grow up playing on tractors, and running through the same fields as Grandpa did as a boy. I know Grandpa is very happy with this too. He couldn't wait to hug and sit with Tanner, Xavier, and Gabe when we all visited on Friday.

Here's some pictures from the visit to Grandpa's.

Paul, Tanner, and Grandpa

4 Generations of Nyquist boys- Grandpa Fredrick, Tanner, Paul, and Art

After the visit to Grandpa, Paul, Tanner and I headed home for a little rest before some more guest arrived! Jeff and Malinda made the trek out to Danube to visit our newest addition! It was really nice to have them and I know they were really excited to see our little guy. Of course Paul and Jeff stayed up late doing boy stuff like playing video games and eating frozen pizza, topped off with setting up Jeff portable disc golf basket in the back yard and tossing some discs this morning. Paul even dug out his mini disc and OF COURSE had to get a picture with him Jeff and Tanner.... What a couple of discing dorks :)

That's it for now in the life and times of the "Quist club!! Tanner is starting to stir...I think it's time to eat again, then poop again, then sleep again...and the cycle continues!! I am LOVING IT!!

March 25, 2010

We survived the first night home

Last night was out first night home since having Tanner and we survived!! I actually got some sleep between feedings (yes it was in the recliner with Tanner on my chest) but it was sleep none the less, He really likes to cuddle and nurse A LOT and I have absolutely no problem with that. I did however just put him down for a few minutes here to blog and get myself some food.

My mom is here today still and helping out with some cooking and cleaning stuff around the house. It is a life saver just to have the extra help and moral support!! Nana is the GREATEST and Tanner loves her like crazy already.

Here are some pictures of our adventures over the last couple days. I am filling up my camera already and he is not even 3 days old yet...Can we say obsessed?!?!!

Here's Daddy giving Tanner his first diaper change. (Paul also won the honor of being the first one to get peed on by Tanner this morning...It was pretty funny and I was glad it wasn't me-this time anyways)

Here's just a picture of Tanner chillin in the hospital.

Tanner's ride home

Tanner taking a nap while Mommy eats and blogs :) He LOVES his hands by his face so pictures of his entire might be tricky.

March 23, 2010

He's HERE!!!!

I FINALLY met my precious, beautiful, perfect little BOY!!! Paul and I both thought it was going to be a girl and were surprised to have our little guy!! He is so precious I can't even describe how awesome it is :) Tanner Fredrick Nyquist was born on March 22nd, 2010 at 7:29 pm after many long hours and a birth "plan" that didn't quite go according to plan. I could seriously care less and have had such a truly GREAT birthing and hospital stay so far. He was 7lbs 8oz and 20 inches long at birth and has been nursing like a champ!! I am feeling great and have been up and at 'em today. More details and and thoughts on motherhood are SURE to come!! We are just over the moon to have our little man!!

March 20, 2010

Aunt Heidi

I just posted but then got this picture in a text message from my sister and HAD to post it. My niece Jada (almost 5) was drawing a picture of her family to bring to preschool. Here is me and baby. I am just glad she drew me from my best angle.

Spring has sprung!!!

Happy first day of Spring to everyone!! It is the vernal equinox today meaning LOTS of great things like equal day/night (which means those LONG summer days are on their way), my full time flip flop season is about to begin, my garlic and chives have begun to sprout in my garden (I better get some pepper and tomato plants started soon so they'll be ready to transfer) and LAST BUT NOT LEAST baby is within DAYS of arrival.

Spring is my new state of mind. I really do love living in a state with 4 dramatic seasons for this specific reason. Every year, there is a fresh start. People are out cleaning their yards and houses, putting their patio furniture out, hooking up their garden hoses, planting new spring flowers and gardens and are so eager to make things fresh, clean and new again. I LOVE IT!!

As a kid, I remember waiting until the snow started melting so that Nolan and I could put on our galoshes and go wading into the puddles in the field. We'd walk in until the icy water just barely reached up over the side of our boots, soaking our little feet.

As a teenager/junior high schooler I remember this time of year because I could finally go to and from school with out a winter coat. For some odd reason (and I still see this today) every 12-15 year old somehow KNOWS it is not cool to wear a coat even when it IS a necessity when living in MN.

Then in college I couldn't WAIT for this time of year because it meant laying out in the mall area at the U of M while cute boys threw Frisbees around, smoking cigarettes and having drinks on a patio bar in Minneapolis, wearing all the cute tank-tops and skirts I could dig out of my closet, and waiting for the inevitable and much loved summer break.

Now I look forward to greeting a new life (very fitting for the season), planting my garden, raking my yard to allow the bright green new grass to grow in, and just enjoying the small spring miracles this small town has to offer. The annual smelt fry is taking place right now actually. It is a fundraiser that the volunteer fire fighters do every spring around this same time and gets everyone out and moving in this little farm town. It's like everyone has been couped up for too long and just waiting for a reason to come out and say hi. It is fun to see the normally quiet and slow town be bustling with people ready to mingle, eat and drink. And you can't really beat the tradition factor. That definitely adds to the charm. Although I opted for the pork chop vs the small fried fish, I was still glad to support our local fire department. I guess it's my job since I am married to the newest member :)

March 18, 2010

A Day late...

Click for larger image.

I know St Patrick's day was yesterday and I am actually not even Irish. However, that does not stop this stay at home mom-to-be from cooking up some traditional St Patrick's day grub. I have some corned beef and cabbage brewing in my crock-pot right now. And since I couldn't partake in any of my normal (pretending to be Irish) traditions like getting surprisingly drunk of green beer and specialty cocktails I thought I would celebrate with a pregnant lady's only available vice- FOOD!!
Click HERE for a link to the recipe I am using.

(** Please note that since I NEVER follow a recipe EXACTLY, I have tweaked this one too. I was not up @ 5 am to start my Crockpot so will NOT be cooking it on low for 10-12 hrs. I will be cooking it on low for 5hrs then Hi for 2-3. Also, I don't have Dijon mustard for the sauce so will be improvising with yellow mustard and some spices I may be able to wrangle out of my cupboard**)

March 16, 2010

38 weeks!!

Today I am 38 weeks along!! I can't believe that I could seriously have this baby at anytime!! Yesterday I had a busy day around the house doing laundry, organizing the bathroom closet, doing that shelf project, and cooking an impromptu beef stroganoff type hot-dish. (using a little bit from Betsy's Flannel Friendly Cookbook, a little from a casserole cookbook I got from my friend Bonny and a little bit of whatever I thought might be good) I'm not one for rigidity, so cooking this way is often what I find myself doing.
Anyways, the main point is that I am trying to keep myself as busy as possible until this baby makes it's way out. It's not that I am sick of being fact I am still enjoying it very much. I just want the baby to be here so I can look at it, and touch it, and feed it. So if trading out my desk chair for my exercise ball, cruising up and down the stairs, or walking everyday has any slight possibility of me meeting this little person sooner, then I am all in!! I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions sporadically for the last month or so but I think have started to have some intermittent, mild contractions. I had about 5-6 last night while hanging up the shelves but they never progressed and just sort of faded away. I know this can keep happening until I actually have the baby, which could be another 2-3 weeks yet, but each time I feel a stronger or more frequent onset of these contractions I can't help but get VERY excited!!

Bring it on Baby!! This Mama can't wait for real labor to start!! Until then, it's bouncing on balls, squats and spicy food!!

March 15, 2010

Thrift Store Shelves

Over the last year we have had our house, We have been slowly making improvements and decorating when I get the chance. Paul and I are also very big into do-it-yourself projects and getting the best prices on supplies. I must have been putting out the positive karma on Saturday because I went to Menard's and priced out some shelves to finish the big wall in our living room. (I hung a picture and a piece of artwork weeks ago and needed something to fill the void between the two). Both the mantel shelves and the floating shelves I looked at were priced at $25 a pop. I couldn't quite justify spending $50 on decorative shelving, PLUS they didn't quite have the color I wanted so decided to pass on the shelves for the moment.

Here is a picture of the wall that just needed a little something extra.

Well, thanks to a string of events including my father-in-law searching for a bedpan for a gag gift and finding out from a woman in Walmart that there was a new thrift store in town we should check out- I found THESE. They weren't $25, $15, or even $5 a piece...THEY WERE $2.00 each!! What a FIND!!! They were exactly what I was pricing out at Menard's (except in white and $23 cheaper).

With a little Mocha colored satin spray paint that I had in my basement they are now the PERFECT addition to my wall. (**Note** I am not sure what decorations are going to make the final cut, I might take some of that $46 I saved to get a couple cute decorations. These were just placed there for pictures sake...empty shelves don't look NEARLY as nice.**)

This crafty mama is VERY happy with the results!!! For a mere $4, I have the the shelves to finish the space off perfectly!!

March 14, 2010

Dear Baby-

Dear Baby-
As I sit here nearly 38 weeks pregnant with you, I can't even express in words how excited I am to be your mommy. I have grown bigger and bigger with each passing day you have been inside me and am now nearing the inevitable time to meet you face to face. I love feeling you kick and squirm inside of me. I love going to the doctor and hearing your heartbeat every week, I love watching my expanded belly shift like there is an alien life form living in me. It is just you, my sweet little baby, trying to get your daily exercise or get comfortable in your ever more cramped quarters.
I wish I had a name for you so I didn't always have to call you baby but we don't know if you are a baby boy or a baby girl, so we can't really pick out a name just yet. Of course we have called you Cletus the Fetus since the day I told your daddy that I was pregnant. We had to think of something and Cletus the Fetus seemed to stick. I am so sorry if anyone refers to you still as Cletus after we have given you a proper name. I will try my best to stop it but would just like to apologize in advance. I am sure the name we decide to give you will be MUCH more fitting than Cletus anyways.

Baby, I also want you to know how excited your daddy is to meet you. He's not as good about talking about how he feels and getting all "mushy" like me, but I know he can't wait to meet you. Your daddy and me love each other VERY much and decided that we wanted to have a baby to help our family grow and share in all that love we have to give. We are just so proud to make our family of 2 into 3. I shouldn't say it is just going to be JUST 3, baby, there are A LOT of people who are excited to meet you including grandmas, grandpas, great-grandma, great-grandpas, aunties, uncles, cousins and friends. I am so glad to be bringing you into such a large and loving family. I can't wait to show you how important all of these people are and what it means to be part of a family.
I really can't wait to teach you so many things and watch you grow. I can't wait to hear if you sing like daddy or me. (Daddy doesn't think he is a very good singer but he tries and it makes me smile every time he does) I can't wait to see what color eyes and hair you have. I can't wait to see if you are funny or serious. I can't wait to hear what your laugh sounds like or what hobbies and interests you develop as you grow. There are so many unknowns spinning around my mind as we patiently wait to meet you. However, there are a few things I can promise- like to always do my best to be a good mommy for you, to teach you how to be a good and kind person, to support you and set standards/goals for you then help you attain them. Above all I promise that I will love you so much that you can feel it, (Plus I am sure I will have NO shortage times of saying how much) You will NEVER have to question that I do!

With an unconditional and more powerful love than I could ever imagine-

March 10, 2010

37 weeks and 1 day

Today I am 37 weeks and a day...I am to the point of counting days now because the finish line is so close. I am proud to say that I have steadily put on weight the last three appointments to bring my total weight gain for this baby to 15lbs. This makes me happy because I am a fan of chubby babies. (most Moms might wish for a petite little thing. However, I am fully hoping for a chubby-cheeked, sausage-legged little one) I figure the difference of pushing 6 lb vs 9 lb bowling ball out of your lady parts is, in the big scheme of things VERY I hope this baby is packing on the chub. That being are a few of the latest pictures of the "chub" I have put on so far.

Here's the belly with just a tank pulled over it. **Note it is one of those long & lean tanks from Target that used to come down way over my hips but as of late, barely covers the bump.**

As with the rest of my doctor visits, the one today was rather uneventful. Except today I did I have a resident come in and check the babies heart rate and all that jazz. Paul and him got into a lengthy convo about farming while we were waiting for my doctor. I felt a little neglected, "HELLO...DO YOU NOT SEE THE PREGNANT LADY IN THE ROOM?!?!" but realized after the fact that it was a nice distraction and way to pass the time since it seems my doctor is continually running WAY behind schedule. This little incident also gives me a defense when he jokes and says that I talk too much. I think we might be neck and neck in this department dear hubby :)

As for any of you who may want to know if I have dropped yet or if I am dilated at all, my honest answer is that I have no freaking clue. I'm not getting checked to see if there is anything going on down there till reach or over-shoot my due date and I don't think the baby has dropped because I still feel it's butt up by ribs for the majority of the days. (but being a first time mom..I really don't have a clue) I still do not think the baby is even close to making it's way out. I am feeling very energetic and overall, pretty darn fantastic!! There are some normal pregnancy things like putting on socks, or rolling out of bed multiple times a night that are a little annoying. But feeling this baby kicking, moving and growing inside of me definitely makes those minor inconveniences fade away.

For now, I'll just keep counting the days and playing the waiting game for our little "Cletus the Fetus" to arrive :) And of course blogging about it as I go!!!

March 9, 2010

Rural MN Community Ed

I realize I live in the middle of nowhere in Farm-Country, USA with a high population of elderly and self-proclaimed red-necks. However, there are some days that it is WAY more apparent. I saw this listing in the community ed flyer that gets delivered with our weekly Renville County shopper and just had myself a little chuckle...

*Cell Phones -- Oh My!*
The presenter from Two-Way communications will walk you through what's hot and what's new!
March 23, $5 7-8:30pm

There's a class to show you how to use a cell phone!! I immediately thought of my father in-law (Farmer Art) who since dropping his old school Nokia into a tank of fertilizer last fall was forced to get a new phone. Although he has recently learned how to text, the texts don't always make sense. Hey- at least he tries. Maybe I should refer him to Cell Phones--Oh My!!

(**Side note** Following the ad for this class was a AARP Driving class offered)

This city girl turned country has definitely gotten her kicks for the day :) I'm so glad it's the little things that make me smile!

March 8, 2010

More Baby stuff!!!

I get very excited when ordering stuff for the baby...The unfortunate thing is that if I want a specific product I need to order it online and wait for it to get shipped to my house. (This is where my impatience sets it) I am perfectly fine waiting for the baby to make it's arrival but have a hard time waiting for my car seat. (Which BTW..I installed the car seat into the mini-van yesterday-So we are SET!!!)
The latest baby products I ordered (after reading MANY consumer reviews/opinions) are this:
Graco Quattro Tour Deluxe- Zurich is the design to match the car seat :)

And this :

It's called a Sleepy Wrap. I ordered it in black in case Paul would like to use it too. I figured he wouldn't be caught dead in a pink baby wrap :) I can't wait to be a baby wearing fool!!!

I am new to the whole idea of the "baby wearing" people speak of. But REALLY like the idea of getting stuff done around the house and having 2 hands free with out giving up snuggle time and close contact with Cletus.

March 7, 2010

Baby Shower March 6th, 2010

My sister threw me a baby shower this past Saturday for mine and Paul's family. This was my 3rd- yes I said 3rd- shower :) And yet again I was overwhelmed with the outpouring of love and encouragement I felt from everyone that attended. It is really so special that this little baby who hasn't even had it's first breath yet, has so many people that love him/her and are anxiously waiting his/her arrival!! Here are some pictures.

It's a little dark you get the idea-

mmmm- FOOD...With my recent obsession with yummy food I am surprised I am not gaining more weight....

My mom, Saniya, and me

My Cousins- Lindsey, Alex, and Gabby

Practicing with my nephew Xavier (12weeks old)- Paul's sister Sarah's son. He's a chunk and very cute!!!

That being said, I am very glad it is over I can just relax and wait for "Cletus" to arrive. I feel like I have been running, running, running nonstop. With all of our trips, the holidays, remodeling, weddings, and showers I have certainly kept myself busy during this pregnancy.

I just want to get so much done before the baby comes. I spent this afternoon, hauling all the gifts in from the van, assembling the pack n play, washing the bedding and clothing, and organizing the nursery AGAIN...Anyone who has been following me knows this is one of my favorite things to do. I go into the baby room, clean, put stuff in it's place, hang up the little baby clothes, etc. Preparing for a baby feels almost like preparing for a natural disaster... I have enough baby supplies (diapers, wipes etc) so that I really don't NEED to leave the house for X number of days. I have a phone list of people to call/text/notify of the birth. I have my canned goods stocked and frozen meals accumulating in my freezer, and I have a bag of all my essential comfort clothes/items to bring with me to keep me calm in the face of a life changing experience (my hospital bag). Now I just sit and wait...a sort of calm before the storm.

I think I am ready to become a home-body though and wait for this little person to make their debut!! I am excited to have people come visit us for a change instead of Paul and me always packing up the van and heading out someplace or another. It might take me a couple weeks to get used to (sitting still that is). But I welcome the practice and slower paced lifestyle that awaits us with the arrival of our baby. My plan for the 1.5-2 months after I have the baby is to not have any plans and that sounds ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!! I can't wait for our little Hurricane Cletus the Fetus to hit!!!

March 5, 2010

99 Things I've done...

I typically don't do these lists but I'm a little bored and putting off doing dishes....

Copy the list, bold the ones you've done (with explanations if needed), share with friends.

1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland (I've been to Disney World)
8. Climbed a mountain (well sort of...we went climbing in AZ when I visited)
9. Held a praying mantis
Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a thunder and lightning storm
Taught yourself an art from scratch (I am currently still working on perfecting my crocheting skills as well as learning to sew)
15. Adopted a child
Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables (1st garden last year...just waiting to plant again this spring)
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
Hitch hiked (In Panama City Beach, FL Spring Break...we needed to get to the club :)
Taken a sick day when you’re not ill- Who hasn't??
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon (does a 5K count???)
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse (I think in elementary school..we had to make those little tools b/c we couldn't look directly at it)
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied (it's all a state of mind....Be satisfied with what you have or you will always be grasping at the unattainable!!)
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sang karaoke
Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant (In my bartending days-a lady seemed to be having a pretty bad day so I bought her meal/drink)
44. Visited Africa
Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie (Do home movies count...My cousins and I had a movie-making phase)
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma. (When I was a broke college kids I gave plasma weekly)

65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten caviar

Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades

75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been a passenger on a motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person.
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper (3rd grade for winning the Drug poster contest!!)
85. Kissed a stranger at midnight on New Year’s Eve
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury ( My jury duty was supposed to start 3/1 but is postponed to 11/1 because of baby)
91. Met someone famous (Served Vanessa Williams coffee in NYC, saw Joshua Jackson and Diane Kruger also in NYC)
92. Joined a book club
93. Got a tattoo
Had a baby (SOON!!!)
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee

Just finished Reading- The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffennegger

Last weekend I read this book. I was a little skeptical because of the popularity and have found out over the years that popular books, although entertaining (i.e. Twighlight Series) are HORRIBLY written. This is a little bit of the the English major/literary snob in me. Don't get me wrong, I still read the junk and am entertained but feel almost dumbed down by some popular works of fiction and popular modern authors. I tend to like books with deeper more universal themes and that have thought put into them.
That being said, I think that "Time's Travelers Wife" is a great and unique love story. It can be a little complicated to get into at first because of the shifting of time (science fiction aspect) but the connection between the two main characters Clare and Henry sucks you in. The author does a great job of taking you along for their ride and showing you the good and bad aspects of their life/relationship. It actually deserves a second read so that you can catch all the details and events that you may have breezed by the first time. I can see why this book was so popular and became a movie. It really is a pretty great read :)

WARNING: (for the 3-4 people out there who HAVEN'T read this book) It is a tear-jerker. I found myself almost sobbing at one point (It could be the pregnancy hormones)

Now I feel like I can watch the movie and enjoy it more than I could have without reading the book first.

March 3, 2010

Baked Potato Soup Recipe

I got this recipe e-mailed to me from my friend Bonny. Being the preggo I am, if I hear something that sounds good or get a food idea in my head, I will obsess about it until I get it. (Just ask Paul- I had strict instructions to pick up Raspberry Sherbet and he got me orange instead...I almost cried then ran to the store the very next day to get me some Raspberry)

I made this recipe (with a FEW adjustments/tips of my own-marked in PINK). I will give myself some credit for being a pretty good cook most days but this soup was one of the best tasting things I have made in a while!!!


2/3 cup butter

2/3 cup flour

7 cups milk

4 large baking potatoes, baked, cooled, peeled and cubed, about 4 cups

(I didn't have 4 baked potatoes just lying around my house so I used raw, peeled, and cubed spuds)

4 green onions, thinly sliced

10 to 12 strips bacon, cooked, drained, and crumbled (I used turkey bacon because I like it better)

1 1/4 cups shredded mild cheddar cheese (I probably added a little more than this- I LOVE CHEESE!!!)

1 cup (8 ounces) sour cream

3/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper


In a large Dutch oven or stockpot over low heat, melt butter. Stir in flour; stir until smooth and bubbly. Gradually add milk, stirring constantly, until sauce has thickened. (I like to use a wisk to keep it from getting clumpy) Add potatoes and onions. (I added the bacon at this time too to get the bacon flavors cookin) Continue to cook, stirring constantly, until soup begins to bubble. Reduce heat; simmer gently for 10 minutes. (If you use raw potatoes you will need to simmer it longer-until the potatoes are soft enough to eat...but not too cooked-think potato salad potato texture) Add remaining ingredients; stir until cheese is melted. Serve baked potato soup immediately.

I topped mine with a little more cheese and some sour cream.

This baked potato soup recipe serves 6 to 8. (It makes A LOT of soup...I plan on freezing some to bust out when I have a newborn and don't feel like cooking. Definitely cut the recipe in half if you don't want lots of left overs)

ENJOY!!!!! There's not too many winter days left to enjoy a nice, warm, tasty soup!!!

March 2, 2010

This Month!!! 36 weeks- almost full term!!!

I can FINALLY say that we are due THIS MONTH!!!! I am 36weeks today and have another doctor's appointment tomorrow. My regular doctor will be back from her vacation so I will see her (I have seen other OB's the last couple times). I look forward to my weekly doc appointments because every week that passes means I'm closer to meeting baby! I am trying not to get my hopes up too much because I realize that due dates are really nothing more than "guess dates" at when you might have your baby. I am really hoping to go sometime in March. I keep saying that anytime before Easter is fine with me. I just hope that "Cletus the Fetus" is on the same page as Mommy. (Plus I got a really cute Baby's first easter outfit from my friend Bonny- along with a care package FULL of baby stuff) It is awesome to have my best friend and my sister who already have kids and can give me some sweet tips on what products and stuff they liked. I have organized and re-organized the baby stuff but will probably do it a couple more times.

I have a another baby shower on Sat with my family and Paul's family. My sister is throwing it for me. I am really looking forward to spending some time with my family and seeing everyone before baby comes. This is thankfully my last one!! This will be my third- One with the WONDERFUL staff at school before we were finished this fall, the second was thrown by some great friends from high school, and this last one is for the families!! I think this mama will be all baby showered out :) I am truly grateful for all of the gifts and excitement people share but I am confident that 3 is enough!!