
June 22, 2010

My little swimmer- 3 months old !!

Look who's 3 Months old today!!!

Tanner had his first dip in the pool today and seemed to have a really good time. (Don't let the pictures fool you- As soon as I put down my camera and jumped in with him he was smiling and cooing) After we got out I undressed him and let him lay naked on his towel in the shade. He LOVED that and was smiling and laughing. Looks like he is quite a little exhibitionist already :)

June 21, 2010

Busy Busy busy....

Like I've been saying before, things are VERY busy around here lately and don't really look like they will be slowing down for a few weeks. The exterior of the house is almost completely stripped of all the paint and almost ready for it's first coat of primer. This is thanks to Paul and the TONS of help that my cousin Jake has given. (We are paying him to do some work for us) We would never be able to get it all done without his help. Hopefully the painting will begin soon and I will be able to post before and after pictures before too long.

Also, this week I am prepping for my annual girls weekend at Country Fest in Cadot, WI. It is something I look forward to every year and can't WAIT for everything we have planned. This year there are 11 of us going and then we camp next the same girls we always do so there will be 15 ladies total. We have decorations for our campsite, t-shirts, games, pedicure supplies, a pool, LOT of food, cocktails and girl talk...and OH YEAH- the concert too. The headliners this year are Blake Shelton, Tim McGraw, Toby Keith, and Reba! It is going to be SOOOO fun. Of course this means leaving my little Tanner Man for a LOOOOONG weekend but I am trying not to think of it. This might be my last year for a while depending on when I am pregnant again and where our family is at so I am focusing on that rather than how much I will miss Tanner. PLUS, he gets to spend 4 days of very good quality time with his daddy. It will be good for both Tanner and Paul to have some time alone together. It's also good for me to have some Mommy-time without having to worry about bottles and diapers.

After country fest, I am coming back up to the cities next week to visit with some friends who live out of state and will be here visiting family and friends. They each have little girls who were born in March. One born just hours after Tanner and one the following week. We shared pregnancy stories and keep in touch via e-mail with our mommy stories.

Also on tap for the first part of July are: finish painting the house, a 30th birthday party for a good friend at their cabin, 4th of July weekend at my Mom and Dad's cabin, my 27th birthday, and hosting my grandparents, parents, sister and family, brother and family, aunts and cousins at our house for Danube Fun Days.....

Looks like I better stay ultra organized to pull this all off....

June 18, 2010

Photo edits

I did some editing on Tanner’s pictures and these are the ones I ended up getting printed.  I airbrushed them, removed the scratch he had on his face, and added some extras.  I love it!!  And I am VERY happy that I know i can save $$ on his milestone pictures by doing them myself!  Have I said how much I LOVE my camera??!!??

3 months old


Smiley Boy 3


 So Sweet 2


Sleepy Boy BW

June 16, 2010

3 month pictures






PS....I am in NO WAY a professional photagrapher but I do think these turned out pretty well :) Little Life Photography is my made up professional photography name. Who knows...I might delve into this idea of family and child photography soon. Right now, it just makes me feel fancy!

June 15, 2010

Sleepy Boy....

I feel very grateful that I have a baby that likes to sleep!! He went to sleep last night at 10:30 or so and slept until 5:30 this morning. After a quick changing and feeding he fell right back asleep and is still's now 9:30 am. He has been doing this more and more lately which is just fine by me! He's just getting so big and saying bye-bye to that middle of the night feeding which I actually didn't even mind too much. He is just growing way too fast.

June 14, 2010

Small Town Livin

My blogs have been fewer and further in between lately for multiple reasons, including but not limited to the following: it's summer and I am outside WAY more, we have LOTS of house projects going on around here, Tanner isn't much of a napper- he will sleep TONS at night but sneaks only catnaps during the day, and my life just doesn't seem to be very blog-tastic lately. I am just living life in my small town and forming quite the routine which is cozy and nice for Paul, Tanner and me but to my followers probably nothing too exciting.

We did end up going on an impromtu day trip to East Bethel/Oak Grove/St Francis yesterday. My cousin Ashley graduated last week and had her grad party. We were planning on staying home adn starting to work on the house but decided that it was a better idea to go help Ashley celebrate. YAY ASHLEY!! She will be attending Bemidji State in the fall. While we were in the area, we decided to go check out the St Francis Pioneer Days fireworks. They were pretty awesome and I tried to get some pictures. Of course Tanner slept through most of them, even the BIG booms. He only started stirring a little during the extreme grand finale. Overall I was VERY impressed with the display. Nice work Franny town.

Tanner's first fireworks experience.

Also as part of our trip to the northern burbs, we recruited an employee to help with the scraping, priming and painting of our house, my 16 yr old cousin Jake,. Unfortunately it is supposed to be rainy AGAIN this week but I am sure we will still find plenty to keep him busy. I can't WAIT to see what it looks like all painted. Our goal is to have it all done before Fun Days (our town summer festival) Jully 7-11.

One interesting thing that did happen this week was that Paul went to a friend's house on Fri night for a bon fire. While he was there he met a guy named Aaron that I just happened to ride the bus with in elementary school and graduate with. Aaron was down visiting some college friends who live a couple towns over and happened to end up at a party that just happened to be 2 blocks from where I live in good ol' Danube. He and Paul got to talking and realized the connection. I love random stuff like this. Just proves that we are all way more connected than we may realize. Just one more reason to treat people well, even strangers, you never know how you might be connected.

I am attempting to take Tanner's 3 month pictures this week too so stay tuned!!

June 7, 2010

Yard work, yard work, and more yard work

Ok, so here is the view out my patio door into my back yard. I wish I would have taken pictures a year ago when we moved in because it didn't look nearly as nice as it does now. We live on a small lot in town 50x150 but we make the most of it and have awesome neighbors so it works for us. I took some pictures yesterday of the work we did. First off..notice the pool. It's nothing fancy but sure will be nice to have when these hot Minnesota summers strike down here SW farm country. Plus it was FREE!! Along with enough chemicals to get it up and running. Anyone who know Paul and me knows we LOVE free!

Notice the pretty little rock circle around the pool? Even though we live in one of the FLATTEST regions in the country, our yard seem to be very uneven so some sand and field rock border do the trick just fine. And again the price is right...FREE!

Next onto or lovely lilac bush which was a weed, prickly bush collecting machine. I don't know how many handfuls of weeds and debris I cleared out from under here before digging it up, putting in edging (Well, Paul did that), planting flowers and adding mulch. It looks so much better I can't even believe it. It looks like someone actually lives here now and cares about the yard.

Last but not least is my pride and joy..(well besides Tanner). It's my garden!!! Look how lovely and almost completely weed free it is! It took Paul and I a good couple hours to get it to look so pristene. I can't wait for the veggies to start coming in so I can start canning and making baby food for Tanner.

I also took a bunch of "before" pictures of the exterior of our house so that we can do a comparison when we are all done painting and landscaping. I would post them now but the peeling paint and dug up front yard might lose the dramatice effect if not pair with a hopefully amazing "after" pic. Stay posted for house updates...We are a busy crew around here!!

June 4, 2010

Busy being a mom

I think this is the longest I have gone without a post for quite a while. I guess I have just been busy Had a great Memorial Day weekend at the lake. The hot, sunny weather definitely helped. Saturday was one of those days where I just put my lawn chair in the lake and RELAXED!! Paul was sunburned from picking rocks the week before so he and Tanner sat in the shade. This week it was back to the grind and routine that Tanner is getting more and more accustomed too. He is such a mellow guy and is sleeps a good 5-7 hour chunk every night for us.

I think Tanner is becoming quite the Mama's boy though. He will fuss for others (even Paul) then smile and be perfectly calm the moment I pick him up. I don't mind though, because before long I know he will be following Paul and trying to emulate all the "manly" stuff Daddy does. He can stay my little mama's boy as long as he wants. Here's a picture I took of him in the bath the other day. He LOVES it. We plop him in the tub even when he's crabby and even a frown turns to this in no time!!