
September 27, 2010

Just another day..

Today's pictures are of Tanner and Anella chilling on the couch. He looks so big next to her. I remember when he was that little *tear*.
Here he is "checking her out". I have yet to teach him that lifting up girls' skirts is inappropriate. Seriously though, Tanner just wants to touch her, stare at her and figure out what this little person is. Seeing them together definitely solidifies Paul and my decision to have another baby as soon as we can!!

As you can tell, Tanner and I are still in Florida helping Bonny out until our replacements get here. Ryan (her husband) got a week of approved leave from his deployment to come home and visit. He will be here tomorrow. Then on Saturday her in-laws are coming for 10 days and shortly after that her mom and sister will be coming down for a long weekend. Tanner and I fly home early on Thursday morning. I am excited to get home and see my Farmer Paul. This is the longest we have ever been apart and it has been really hard. I miss him like crazy and can't wait to get back to some good ole fashioned Minnesota sweatshirt weather. Florida sun is great but I really do LOVE the autumn too!! Paul misses us too. He sounds just sort of out of it and kinda bummed when I talked to him on the phone. I know he REALLY misses his little man Tanner and will have LOTS of cuddling and playing to make up for when we get back to MN.

While I have been here though I am trying to be as helpful as possible and my main objective is to take care of Tommy (the ALWAYS talking, ALWAYS full of energy 3 year old) He is really a hoot and so fun to spend time with. Plus he really likes me so we have been having a good time together while Bonny takes care of Annella and recovers. Today I dropped him off at daycare so Bonny could get to sleep and had a 15 minute conversation with him about why it was still dark outside. I don't think he understands everything I say but I hate to "dumb" things down for kids so I talked to him like a little adult. He didn't seem to mind and is really good at using his words when he wants to tell you something.

Today I will attempt to take Annella's newborn pictures, however I am going to wait to edit them until I get home so don't expect to see the FABULOUS photos for about a week. I am getting really into this photography thing and am seriously considering making it my 2011 goal: to start a part time, on location photography business. Nothing too serious or anything that will make me rich by any means. Mainly turning my hobby into a business for some extra spending money here and there. (This stay at home mama still needs to look good so salon trips are a NECESSITY) Along with Bonny's maternity photos, Tanner's photos 3month and 6 month, I have another Maternity shoot scheduled with a friend's sister in-law, and a family photo shoot scheduled with Bonny's sister. I am just building my portfolio to get my new project up and running in 2011- Let me know if you or your family needs family photos, senior pictures, baby/kid milestone pics. I am offering DEEPLY discounted rates (aka FREE) until I am actually a legitimate business. Just let me know!!
I guess that's it from Heidi's world today! Have had my morning coffee and feeling like I can conquer the world-(or at least a shopping trip with a 6 month old in tow)!
Just a little Monday morning pick me up quote from my good buddy- Mahatma Ghandi-
"The future depends on what we do in the present."
Be happy, and SPREAD THE LOVE people!!!

September 24, 2010

Half a year....

This week Tanner hit his 6 month milestone!! (As you could probably tell from the pictures below) I just can't believe it. They (that illusive group of whoever "they" are) say that time flies when you are having fun. Well I must be having the time of my life being his mom because it honestly seems like just yesterday Paul and I were in the hospital getting ready to have him. He is my sweet, funny boy and I love him more that I could ever imagine possible. I feel so lucky to be his Mom and that Paul and I have the opportunity to raise him, teach him, comfort him, discipline him and love him unconditionally! I feel like if I blink it will be his first birthday before I know it.

Also this week, Bonny had her sweet, perfect baby girl. Her labor started on Wednesday the 22nd and Annella Liane Cunz made her world debut @ 2:03 am and Sept 23rd, 2010. She is 8 lbs 3 oz and 20 inches long. Here is a picture of the little angel h=just 10 hours old!

Comparing these to Tanner's 6 month photos below- I am just BAFFLED at what a difference half a year makes. It makes me step back and take a deep breath and completely appreciate the wonderment of life. AMAZING!!

September 21, 2010

Hashbrown Egg Bake

No baby news to report today so I thought I'd share my FAVORITE and much loved egg bake recipe. I used to make a different one, but found this one by Paula Dean and changed it a little. I have gotten so many raving reviews from it, I can't believe I have never shared it before. Plus I was telling Bonny about it last night and we might make it while I'm down here. Everyone likes a good "breakfast casserole" as Miss Paula Dean would say. Us Minnesotans prefer "egg-bake". I suppose we could call it a "breakfast hotdish"-just a thought.


3 tablespoons butter
1 small yellow onion, chopped
4 cups frozen shredded hash browns
1 pound sausage or ham (if you buy the already cubed ham at the grocery store it is SUPER EASY)
2 1/4 cups whole milk
8 large eggs
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
8 cups cubed bread (I use plain cheap white bread and leave the crusts on-you can remove them too if you prefer)
2 cups (1/2 pound) grated Cheddar
2 cups (1/2 pound) grated Parmesan, Mozzarella or other Favorite Cheese (I like Pepper Jack)


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Spray a deep 13 by 9-inch casserole dish with vegetable oil cooking spray.

Melt the butter in a large frying pan. Add the onion and saute over medium-low heat until soft, about 5 minutes. Add the hash browns and break apart. Saute until soft, about 5 minutes.

In a second frying pan, saute the sausage, breaking apart large clumps. When the sausage is cooked through, remove it from pan.

In a large mixing bowl, combine the milk, eggs, salt, pepper, nutmeg and mustard, briskly to blend.

To assemble, spread the onions and hash browns evenly at the bottom of the greased dish. Place the bread cubes evenly on top of hash browns. With a slotted spoon distribute sausage as the third layer. Pour the milk and egg mixture over these layers. Add Parmesan as the next layer, while then adding the Cheddar.

*Cook's Note: Save a few tablespoons of Cheddar for the last 10 minutes of baking, where you can add a fresh topping of melted Cheddar.

Bake the casserole, uncovered for 45 to 50 minutes, until puffed and golden brown.

ENJOY!!!! This is a PERFECT dish to make when you have overnight guests or family functions. I make mine the night before then pop it in the oven in the morning while I enjoy my morning coffee! mmmmmm....mmmmm..mmmmm

September 18, 2010

6 Month Photos

So...Bonny has still not gone into labor but I have used the free time to take Tanner's 6 month photos. He's a doll as usual. Again I am very impressed with my photography skills and LOVE my camera!! I also took some maternity pictures for Bonny you can see those if you visit her blog.

September 16, 2010

Jacksonville update

Tanner and I are in JAX until Sept 30th for those of you who have been living under a rock and didn't know that by now. We miss Daddy but he is busy working in the fields harvesting. (well not so much now that they got a bunch of rain over the last couple days but there is plenty of machinery and harvest equipment to fix when they can't get in the fields).

Tanner has been a really good boy (as usual). On the flight down he was PERFECT. Not even one sound that could be interpreted as fussy was heard from him. He has also been steeping up the baby food intake. He loves rice cereal with fruit and yesterday for lunch we tried carrots for the first time and I could not shovel them in fast enough for him. He is getting so big! He'll be 6 months old next week!!

Bonny and I are keeping ourselves busy while we wait for her to go into labor. So far we've gone to the beach, gone outlet mall shopping, gotten pedicures, went out to lunch, and have been working on our tans. The Florida weather is BEAUTIFUL!!! The first couple day here were SWELTERING but now has cooled a little bit and is a nice 87 and sunny! It is perfect weather and is really helping me cope with the end of summer. I hear MN is chilly and damp this week so the sunny weather here is more than welcomed by me!!

Also while I am here I plan to meet up with an old friend who goes to grad school in Gainsville (about an hour from Jax) so I am excited for that. She was my roommate in while I studied in Mexico so we have share some good times together. I can't wait to see her and catch up.

Well, that's it from Jacksonville. Send down all your good baby vibes so Bonny can have this baby girl SOON!!! I'll make sure to keep posting updates and LOTS of pictures of our fall adventure in Florida.

September 14, 2010

Life's a Beach

~Monday we went to Jacksonville Beach~


~But Tanner sure did have fun!~

~My little beach bum~

September 10, 2010

Best Friend Award

As many people already know, Tanner and I are making a 3 week trip to Jacksonville Florida today.  It will be the first time for Tanner on a plane and the first time I will be away from my farmer husband for more than a week, but it is for a very good reason.  From what I have heard from multiple people, it qualifies me for a best friend ever award.

My best friend from high school is due with her 2nd baby any day now.  She has a 3 year old son AND her husband is deployed and overseas until Dec. (he will be coming through Jacksonville for training and a visit in a few weeks but will miss the birth)  Needles to say, Bonny was very relieved when I suggested that I come down for the birth to help take care of her 3 year old Tommy and offer overall support.  She was even more relieve when she called a couple weeks ago panicking about going into labor early and I suggested I bump my flight up and come down early.  I can’t imagine having a baby with out my favorite Farmer present, so I definitely give Bonny props for going thru her last few months of pregnancy, working full time and taking care of Tommy all by herself.  Talk about a SUPER WOMAN! 

Many people have told me what a kind and thoughtful thing I am doing for Bonny and I guess I hadn’t even really thought of it.  My friend needed me and I just naturally wanted to be there to help.  I am happy to be helpful and spend some quality time with a good friend and happy that my lifestyle allows for me to make this trip.  PLUS, I like to fill my “karma bank” up lots of good and positive energy and deeds.  As Bonny says, I’ve got to keep my “positive hippie vibes”.  I also feel VERY lucky to have a friendship like the one I share with Bonny.  I know not everyone has a friendship where they could do something like this and I know both Bonny and I feel grateful that our friendship has endured and strengthened over time.  We talk on the phone constantly comparing mommy notes, venting about life, laughing at funny/stupid things we have seen lately and over all just being friends…true friends. 

I believe Bonny and I had a drunken conversation in my Mom’s kitchen while we were home from college that I still remember us saying “Man, we sure feel bad for people who don’t have a best friend like us.”  What silly girls we were, but I think the sentiment still rings true.  We are pretty lucky!!!

End of Summer Fun

This past weekend Tanner and I made our annual trip to Osage, MN to my Aunt and Uncle’s house on Straight Lake.  Paul had to work in the fields all weekend and was bummed he could not come up but I guess someone has to bring home the bacon.  Everyone asked (multiple times) about Paul but then I would just distract them with the cuteness of Tanner.  It was the first time Tanner got to meet some family on my side including my Aunt Kim, Uncle Bob, and cousins Aaron, Allie and Adam.  Kim, Allie and Bob were definitely the most excited while my two macho, motor head cousins, Aaron and Adam didn’t really get too pumped to meet a baby.  Until a kids is able to ride something motorized, they really don’t see the fun in it all.  To their own credit though, each did hold Tanner briefly and commented on how “sturdy” he was.  Way to be “Sturdy” Tanner!!!  Tanner did really well and was “the easiest baby that anyone had ever seen!”  Can you tell I am a proud mama??  He really is such a good baby and I feel VERY lucky to have him as my first.

Our annual trip to Osage marks the end of our summer fun.  This year we even had the very CHILLY weather to make that even more apparent.  The die hards still did some water sports but Tanner and I chose to watch from the sunny shores.  65 degrees is NOT warm enough weather to get this Mama into the water.  This summer was fun and full of adventures and has left us feeling exhausted (as always) but I already can’t wait for next year of summer fun!!

September 2, 2010

Summer Cold and State Fair

To start things off let me just state for the record that I am a fairly good sick person (I don't get too whiny and kinda just roll with the punches until I start feeling better). That, however, does not in any way shape or form translate into me liking being sick. It started on Monday, that feeling that something just isn't quite right. It progressed as I was at the MN state fair on Tues and has developed into a full fledged coughing til you gag summer sickness....YUCK!! Summer cold you are welcome to disappear as quickly as you came out of no where. Thanks :)

I have too much stuff planned to be sick. Like I said above, Tanner made his debut trip to the MN State Fair. We stayed in a hotel on Monday night so we could get to the fairgrounds early and am I sure glad we did. I forget how fun the fair is since I only seem to make it 1 out of every 4-5 years. I of course forgot my camera (my memory left after having a baby and is still showing no signs of making a triumphant return)-BUT my mom was there to take some pics and posted some on her blog. Tanner was a perfect little boy and only started getting crabby (and hot) just in time for us to leave. He slept the entire 2 hour drive home which made for a pleasant ride for me. I LOVE that he is such a good baby.

Wednesday also marked the start of my FAVORITE time of year out here in farm country....Sugar Beet Harvest. OK, OK..I may have a touch of sarcasm in there. Harvest time requires Paul to be working in the fields... A LOT! (Like come home only to shower and sleep a few hours) Paul and his father grow sugar beets, corn, and soy beans. Sugar beets have the most intensive harvest since you can only bring them to the plant under certain weather conditions, temperatures etc. But farming DOES make the world go 'round because nearly EVERYTHING you eat, wear, use made it's start on a farm somewhere around the world. (Mountain Dew and Pepsi Throwback are sweetened with the fine sugar grown and processed right here in MN for you soda fans)

So maybe this summer cold/sickness is just a sign that summer is winding down and it's time for the autumn to come in with both arms swinging. It seems like forever away right now but if I have started realizing one thing as I age, it is that time really does fly. I'm sure it will seem like a blink of an eye before State Fair and Harvest time are upon us once again.....

September 1, 2010

Sweet Potato Boy

DSC_1995 DSC_1996 DSC_1997 DSC_1998 DSC_1999 DSC_2000 

Here he is trying to get the spoon in his mouth….


oops too far over


getting closer…


and closer…


almost in…


