
February 22, 2015

BOW (Becoming an Outdoors Woman)

This weekend I did something I've never done before. I attended my first BOW workshop. 

"What is BOW?", you ask.

BOW stands for- Becoming an Outdoors Woman. (As you may have read 2.5 seconds ago in the title of this post) 

According to their website: 

"BOW's Fall and Winter Workshops are the best place for women new to the outdoors to begin their journey. Workshops run Friday night through Sunday afternoon. These weekends are filled with a variety of outdoor skill classes, evening programs, campfires and fun!"

It was exactly that. 

I loved it. Connecting with nature, learning skills I've always wanted to and meeting some kick-ass women from all over.

I made upcycled sweater mittens, learned how to keep my feet warm by making some homemade boot socks, went snowshoeing (in SUBZERO TEMPERATURES), slept in a bunk bed, met a K9 conservation officer, hiked to a yurt, ate wonderful food, drank wine, had a campfire, played games and most importantly...RECHARGED!!!!

I highly recommend it to anyone. They offer BOW programs in 36 states but Minnesota offers the largest amount of programs. Everything from kayaking to rifle safety courses to weekend retreats. It's some seriously cool and empowering stuff. 

Here is their website to copy and paste in your browser if you want to check it out.

Here are some pictures of the fun I had. 

February 18, 2015

Kids' Room

We live in a small house so organization is KEY. 

 Although we are still deep in the clutches of Old Man Winter up here in the Northland, I can't help but do some "spring cleaning."

(I'm not about to be stuck inside cleaning when the actual spring arrives)

Today's project was the kids' room. All three share the space so it gets really cluttered. Here are some before pictures.

So what was my solution????

Bunk the beds and declutter.

I hauled junk out by the arm loads. 

Here is their new and improved bedroom. Complete with floor space to actually play. They love it!!!

And I love it too. Now there is a place for everything and everything is in it's place...just like I like it. 

February 11, 2015

Man's World

"This is a man's world, this is a man's world
But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl"

I love this James Brown song. I use it as my mantra when I choose to do a project that breaks stereotypical gender roles. 
I want my daughters to learn that men are valuable and wonderful. That being said, I also want them to learn they don't need a man to save them. 
So what's the best way to teach them this??
By showing them.

Yesterday, we received some snow. Instead of waiting for my husband to come home and plow us out, I bundled up and headed out myself to use the snowblower. I cleared the ENTIRE driveway. 

Not only did I show my kids that mommy's can run machinery and do "worker jobs" (Their words, not mine) but I also felt very empowered. 
I wasn't trapped by our schedules or my husband's absence. It felt good. 

When Paul got home, he was also very relieved that he didn't have to stay up til midnight moving snow. 

It was a win/win!!

It's nice being part of a team with my husband. I love my job as a full time mommy and homemaker but it sure is nice to prove to myself that I can roll with the big boys some time. 

"This is a man's world, this is a man's world
But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl"
True that James Brown!!!

February 6, 2015

Horrible to Adorable: Closet transformation

Hi, my name is Heidi and I am a secret stasher. Stashing is a light form of hoarding.  I don’t let the mess spill out into my house but I have a few problem areas of my house where I stash stuff never to be seen again. This closet is my problem area.  Seriously.  Look at it.  HORRIBLE!! 
I mean, I had an entire box of random chargers stashed in here, including a charger from a digital camera of Paul’s that literally broke the first year we were dating.  I had a problem.  Not only was this closet full of junk but it is such a strange location in my house to be used for anything practical.  So what is a girl to do?? 
Two words:  BOOK NOOK
I’ve been drooling over Pinterest, looking at closets converted to fun little reading spaces.  I got my inspiration HERE from one of my FAVORITE DIY Bloggers, the Thrifty Decor Chick.  Her projects are amazing!!
So what was my first step??  Cleaning out the junk.  Much of it was able to be organized and put back with my homeschool supplies.  The rest was donated and or tossed in the trash.  It feels so good to purge.
Then, of course, I had to go shopping.  I hit up my favorite home decor and craft stores.  I couldn’t find what I needed/wanted so I caved and went to Hobby Lobby.  It was my first time there and my mind was BLOWN.  Insanely adorable things and just what I was looking for. 
I started with the wall adjacent.  This was the easy part.  The top picture is from Hobby Lobby for $13.99.  The burlap wreath and chevron burlap I found in the closet, buried in chargers. (surprise surprise)  The bird knobs I bought this fall and was just waiting for the perfect place to hang them.  Found it!
Now on  to the fun part.  Lets put this nook together!!  (Fabric from Hobby Lobby and Joann Fabric that I had in my craft supplies)
First, we framed in the base.  By “we” I mean my very excellent and skilled carpenter of a mother.  She rocks.
(Lumber was all scrounged from her garage too.  Thanks Mom!!)
Next. “we” cut the bench.
Perfect Fit!!
While my mom upholstered the bench, I hunted down some paint for the front board and began sewing covers for some of the 8 billion throw pillow I have store in my linen/blanket.  (That’s my next project.  That closet is SCARY too!!)
I found THIS tutorial on Pinterest and it was sooo easy.  I covered 5 pillows.  I wanted to cover 2 more but three charming children awoke and began curiously exploring all my cool craft supplies so I closed up shop.
Here’s my little sewing trick I want to share with you.  When I am doing an easy/quick sewing project, I hate busting out my whole ironing board and iron.  This handy, dandy hair staightener presses fabric perfectly :)
USA Picture was my big splurge for $60 at Hobby lobby. Throw pillows were mine just re-covered and the cool yarn poof pillows ($15) were also from Hobby Lobby. Touch lights were from Amazon and can be found HERE.  Bins were in the closet before but look so much better now in THIS closet.

 Can you believe it??? I can’t. 
I LOVE IT!!!!!
My favorite part???  This pallet  book shelf!! (Pallet scrounged from my mom’s yard)
Seriously awesome. 
Tutorial on that can be found HERE.
Here’s a look at how the nook corresponds to the rest of our house.  Right near the table where most of our living, and learning takes place. I have grand dreams of the kids curled up with books as we progress with our homeschool days.  (For now, they are climbing in and out of it, and playing with the lights.)
  It changes the entire look of the room.
Have I mentioned that I LOVE it???
What do you think??

February 2, 2015

First Day- February 2015

Here is our first day!! Please note Emmy Lu was gone with my mom on a sleepover from the night before therefore absent from most photos. I didn't just neglect her :)

Links to the recipes for the Super Bowl snack I made are at the bottom.