
April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend

Unless you live under a rock, you know last weekend was Easter.  Paul, the kids, and I are not a super religious crew (*GASP*- I know, I know…please reserve judgment and/or criticism) BUT it sure is nice to have a reason to get together with family.  We are so thankful to have TWO loving accepting sides to our family. 

This past weekend Paul’s side came up to our house for a little North Country Easter. It was a fun-filled, relaxing couple of days.  Tanner LOVED seeing his cousins, aunts and uncle, and Grandma and Grandpa Barnes (He especially loved that they brought him a Thomas the train tent that an older cousin had outgrown.  If you want an in with Tanner, bring him trains) 

Despite the chilly Northwoods weather, we still managed to play plenty outside and have an Easter egg hunt.  The boys (Tanner and his cousins-Gabe and Xavier) loved it.  Even Emmy Lu even got in on the action (with the help of Grandpa.) 

What a GREAT weekend!!


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Hope you and yours had a great weekend too!!

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