
July 6, 2012


Today I turn 29.  I joke that is is my FIRST 29th birthday but I’ll fill you all in on a little secret of mine.  I actually have no problem with growing older.  Maybe it’s because I have many “mature” women in my life that I love, respect, look up to and want to be just like when I am 31 or 45 or 52 or 73 or 93.

Or maybe, like my approach to most other things, I just roll with it because its not worth stressing over.

(I’m kinda hippie like that)

When I was little 29 was this magical number.  It was so OLD.  I thought when I was 29 I would be a power suit wearing badass (think female Charlie Sheen in Wall Street), married to a dancing hunk (think cross between Kevin Bacon in Footloose and Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing), and I would change my name to something very chic like Victoria or Jennifer.  (Remember I was a child of the 80’s).

I am so glad my younger self was wrong.

My life is good.


I am married to a great guy, have two little people calling me Mama, done my fair share of world traveling, nurtured and maintained friendships with some GREAT women, and created my happy little space in the world.


So although I might celebrate the anniversary of my 29th birthday for the rest of my life to be funny, I am really running full speed toward these years to come.

Bring it on.

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