October 7, 2011

Talking up a storm

Tanner is quite the vocal little toddler.  I started writing down his vocabulary to count how many words he knew but stopped @ about 80 because the kid seems to add new words every day. 

I love love LOVE his little voice.  He reminds me everyday with his actions that he is a big boy and not a baby.  (Except for maybe when Emmy Lu is napping and he lets me cuddle and rock him).


This morning he topped the cutness charts before 7:30 am.  He gets up off my lap, walks to the fridge and says:

“Mama milk please”

which actually sounds like-

“Mama milt pee” But I knew what he meant.  He knows how to melt my heart.


I also may have created a monster who can get WHATEVER he wants from anyone.  Instead of the typical toddler whine or scream when they need help or want something, I taught Tanner how to say “Help please.”

I don’t know how many times a day he looks up with his baby blues and says “Help pee”..even if it is with something naughty or that he is not supposed to have.  Hard to resist that. 

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