January 2, 2013


I have been seeing a trend with New Year's resolutions in that people are picking a word or phrase to focus their attention on this year. My friend, Nicole, blogged about it a couple days ago and I saw it again today on a babycenter.com sponsored blog.

It struck a chord with me and I took it as a sign that I also needed a 2013 mantra.

I already set some goals for myself and the direction I want to take this year. First, I want to disconnect more from my phone and TV in order to connect with my life and the people in it. Secondly, I want to stop shopping at Walmart. I know that sounds silly to some, but for personal, social, and political reasons I really want to be more conscious of where we are spending our money.

I realized these two goals come down to:


It is my word of 2013.

I want to make mindful choices for myself and my family. I will choose to disconnect more and be present. I will choose to spend money locally and with companies that I can feel good about supporting. I will choose to put healthy food in my mouth. I will choose to offer stimulating and healthy activities for my children. I will choose to be a supportive, loving wife. I will choose to be a good friend. I will choose to be aware of the world we live in and do my small part to improve it.

The wonderful thing about having a choice is that it puts you in the driver's seat. For someone like me, it really gives comfort.

Stuff doesn't just happen TO us, it happens BECAUSE of us.

Our lives are results of our choices; good and bad. Of course, there are going to be things beyond our control, but day-to-day living is a culmination of hundreds of choices.

I can't wait to make mindful choices and see/feel the positive consequences it brings to my life this year.

What is your word this year?

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