October 25, 2010


This weekend hit me…..HARD.  Not only did I attempt to keep up/entertain my nieces but I also got broad-sided by a very icky stomach bug.  I will spare you all of the entirely gross details but lets just say i am slowly recovering and Gatorade is my best friend.  Thankfully the sickness really didn’t kick in until Sat night, AFTER my sister had arrived.  She was able to take over as mom of the house and even did my dishes for me :)  (Everyone knows how much I HATE dishes so doing my dishes for me is nicer than buying me a Tiffany and Co necklace…OK maybe that is a BIT of an exaggeration, but I do HATE doing dishes) 

Sadie and the girls left yesterday and Paul took over as Mr. Mom and had a full day of taking care of Tanner while i slept and tried to recharge my super powers.  Today I am back among the living (barely).  Here are some pics of the fun filled weekend we had.  We played, went to Nelson Farm in Litchfield, and carved all of our SPOOKY pumpkins.  My cousin Lindsey came to visit and help with this which was good since the girls were afraid of touching the pumpkin goo.  It was a great weekend full of fall fun!!

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