March 14, 2010

Dear Baby-

Dear Baby-
As I sit here nearly 38 weeks pregnant with you, I can't even express in words how excited I am to be your mommy. I have grown bigger and bigger with each passing day you have been inside me and am now nearing the inevitable time to meet you face to face. I love feeling you kick and squirm inside of me. I love going to the doctor and hearing your heartbeat every week, I love watching my expanded belly shift like there is an alien life form living in me. It is just you, my sweet little baby, trying to get your daily exercise or get comfortable in your ever more cramped quarters.
I wish I had a name for you so I didn't always have to call you baby but we don't know if you are a baby boy or a baby girl, so we can't really pick out a name just yet. Of course we have called you Cletus the Fetus since the day I told your daddy that I was pregnant. We had to think of something and Cletus the Fetus seemed to stick. I am so sorry if anyone refers to you still as Cletus after we have given you a proper name. I will try my best to stop it but would just like to apologize in advance. I am sure the name we decide to give you will be MUCH more fitting than Cletus anyways.

Baby, I also want you to know how excited your daddy is to meet you. He's not as good about talking about how he feels and getting all "mushy" like me, but I know he can't wait to meet you. Your daddy and me love each other VERY much and decided that we wanted to have a baby to help our family grow and share in all that love we have to give. We are just so proud to make our family of 2 into 3. I shouldn't say it is just going to be JUST 3, baby, there are A LOT of people who are excited to meet you including grandmas, grandpas, great-grandma, great-grandpas, aunties, uncles, cousins and friends. I am so glad to be bringing you into such a large and loving family. I can't wait to show you how important all of these people are and what it means to be part of a family.
I really can't wait to teach you so many things and watch you grow. I can't wait to hear if you sing like daddy or me. (Daddy doesn't think he is a very good singer but he tries and it makes me smile every time he does) I can't wait to see what color eyes and hair you have. I can't wait to see if you are funny or serious. I can't wait to hear what your laugh sounds like or what hobbies and interests you develop as you grow. There are so many unknowns spinning around my mind as we patiently wait to meet you. However, there are a few things I can promise- like to always do my best to be a good mommy for you, to teach you how to be a good and kind person, to support you and set standards/goals for you then help you attain them. Above all I promise that I will love you so much that you can feel it, (Plus I am sure I will have NO shortage times of saying how much) You will NEVER have to question that I do!

With an unconditional and more powerful love than I could ever imagine-


  1. Beautiful. Now I'm crying at work:) Happy tears, as the girls say.

  2. Yup that was wonderful Heidi. Pretty sure I just teared up too and I don't even have kids! You are going to be a phenomonal mommy!! And I am soo excited to meet your little sunshine!
